Benefits of Dance Classes

What Does Dancing Teach Kids

Elite Dance Studio have prepared a wonderful article about the benefits gained by dance students. They describe dance as:

more than just exercise – it is a full-body artform that strengthens you mentally as well as physically. Children that participate in dance are shown to excel in many other areas.


The article, titled What Does Dancing Teach Kids, acknowledges that physical skills are not the only things that dancing can teach.  The author states:

Through dance, kids can absorb a wide range of experiences that will prepare them for many real life situations.

Non-Dance/Non-Physical Skills

  • Increased coordination and body awareness result in the student’s ability to learn, advance and perform.
  • Dance training builds character and creates new skillsets that are useful beyond the dancing world

Relationships and Social Awareness

  • Dancers bond with teachers and other students, increasing an
  • Dancing students often find it easier to integrate into social groups, which reduces anxiety and increases confidence.

Ethics and Life Lessons

  • Dance competitions and training teach young people about fairness and respect.
  • Dancers learn trust, responsibility and persistence.


Full article – What Does Dancing Teach Kids by Elite Dance Studios

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