New CVI Branding
4 August 2017
Modern Calisthenics
The 2017 CVI branding focuses on Calisthenics being ‘the sport with performing at its heart‘ and acknowledges that calisthenics:
- creates confidence
- friendship
- and transferable life skills in our performers.
The Story Beyond the Performance
Our students enjoy their performances, but we all know that the real benefits are from the work dedicated to preparing for the performances, including:
- class time
- club events
- social activities
- and the connection that is created for performers and their families
It told us that our performers are strong, confident, disciplined and well trained
team members.
Modern Logo
The meaning of the new lighter-blue logo seems to be open to interpretation. Research showed a variety of meanings to different people, such as:
- demonstrating the traditional lines and strength of calisthenics
- depicting a march wheel, club swing or rod twist
- the centre beam of the logo mimicking a stage spotlight
- the triangles representing our minimum stage number (8) or stakeholder groups
- or the triangles representing our Coaching Community (VCCA) and calisthenics community (CVI) coming together, with the six smaller triangles for each of our age groups (Tinies through to Masters)
For more details, refer to the Calisthenics Victoria website.